Motorola V710
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if its a megapixel camera, y are pics still fuzzy?
can anyone tell me if there's a defect in the design of the phone? b4 i press the capture button, the picture is clean and clear. yet as soon as i press the button, i lose that clarity. what gives?
cant tell you the defect, however i can tell you ive owned the phone since the first firmware 9/04 and the camera has alawys sucked. it got alittle better after the re-release of the new software, however it still cant be compared to pretty much any 640x480 camera or better... i just got the 9800 and the camera is so good, it really puts the 710 to shame
c its like that because theres a video camera....i had this fone before and if u put it on the computer it looks perfect.
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