Motorola V710
Reviews 100+
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ok guys, add it up. First off, moto says may 21. Secondly they emailed everyone few days ago, thirdly they text messaged us today, fourthly there r several v710 on ebay by several different sellers, fifth; the only nay-sayers r the ones who r selling on ebay for 1200 so they pretend to know and say this phone will b out in august when its only days away.Would anyone pay 1200 if they knew that its 300-500 retail w no service contract, in a few days? I think not.Any way u look at it, this phone is days away!!!! and u all know it.
Hey.. I like making money off of people. I got BMW payments to make.
How on earth do you afford BMW payments working at a McDonalds drive-thru window? 🙄
May 13, 2004, 7:40 PM
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