Motorola V710
Verizon - Where is the customer appreciation???
My fiance and I are on a corporate account. She STILL HAS her StarTac - Yes thats right, her StarTac ... It's been about 4 years now and it barely works (needs to be plugged in and bent to a certain angle)
When she tried to call to get an upgrade (to the RAZR) they told her she was on a 1 year contract so she couldnt recieve any type of discount on her RAZR - can you F*CKING believe that???
So she had to pay $300 for this phone while my friend got it for $99.
Su2lly said:
Well yes that does suck. Did you think about canceling the contract then getting a new one and the Razr for the discounted price ?
Obviously you haven't read up on Verizon's Early Termination Fee (ETF). That would makeup or outweigh the price differential between the discounted price and full retail...
Thanks for the advice.....I think I may just try Cingular for a year, just for the hell of it. What if I miss a few calls here or there. I will defintiely not let them lock me into anything longer than a year.
verizon has a program called new every two
now there is requirements to be in the program you must be on a 2year contract, on a plan 34.99 or higher and must not recieve a discount off any phone purchase for 22 months(this simply means you keep the phone you purchased with the plan or you paid full reatil for a phone durring your contract) at the 22 month verizon marks your account as eligble now if you go into the store you get new customer pricing plus an extra 100.00 ...
I fall right into the "2yr contract and 59.99 deal". I'm paying 59.99. Why didn't the customer "service" agent offer this to me? And why when I go on the website (where they make you login and they supposedly know all of your information) does the phone check out price not reflect this? OK, that might be asking a l...
Clearly they don't understand their customer base -- they should be appealing to the techies, as we're the folks who will constantly look to upgrade phones. Two years is an eternity.
also that can be said for new every two.. that is only available at direct stores, *611, circit city, or on verizonwireless.com
non of vzw's agents will offer the extra 100.00 off
as for the employees not knowing anything about the v710 lawsuit.. They do know they just can't say VZW has something like a gag order inplace any employee could be fired if they disclose info about the lawsuit
Initially I was a bit surprised at your resilience in defending Verizon....but then I recognized the "VZW" in your user name. Totally understand you say what you have to.
As an Account Manager of 12 years who deals with four accounts each worth $2-8 million each, I can share a piece of my business learnings with you.... While it's true that with any product/service everyone is probably not going to be a die hard fan of you business offering, ultimately your accoutability is to your core audience. (In this case, I would view anybody who frequents a site like this part of that core audience.) If someone like myself who has been a Verizon customer for 6 years, works in the tech sector, reads Phone Scoop ever...
This is the reason why stores like Best Buy and Circuit City are doing so well and the era of the haggling Crazy Eddie or Nobody Beats the Wiz is gone. There's a consistent user e...
think of the early upgrade more as a promo that can end anytime and is only available at select locations. I agree that things would be standard but for the litttle agents to stay in business and to make money that will never happen every celluar carrier is like this is you are ha...