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Motorola V710


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Punching a gift horse in the mouth


Aug 5, 2004, 3:58 AM
I defend Motorola's right to engage in promotions, givaways, advertising, and any other methods (legal, of course) which helps them sell their products. The handset market is brutally competitive and anything they can do to increase their market share is a good thing. I believe in Motorola's products (except the 270c, a major letdown). The promotion was a great way to draw the average (i.e., non-technophile) customer in to buy the phone. I suspect it also took advantage of viral marketing (such as this forum) to create even more interest. However, if VZW and Motorola were even remotely clued in on their consumer bases, both would have realized that a bluetooth CDMA phone has been long anticipated by both technophiles and business users no...

Aug 5, 2004, 6:00 AM
True all you said is true but of course you could have gone to radio shack like i did as soon as you read in this virul forum that they were available there and then registered your phone when the web site was made available. cahnces were still the same ... for everyone... who lived by a radio shack.. with some initiative .. and luck
and it is only a 100 head piece -- big frickin deal -- can't afford it then you can't afford the phone --

P.S. they are even cheaper on ebey (the headsts)

Aug 5, 2004, 6:12 AM
Spiff - give me a break... for everyone who lived by a Radio Shack... You mean as long as you were one of the TWO people to get one of the TWO phones that every Radio Shack seemed to get. YEAH real fair to loyal Verizon customers. The price of the headset is not the point here - the point is that Verizon customers who were waiting for Verizon to release the phone were completly excluded from the contest.

Roadhawk - I agree with you completly

Aug 5, 2004, 6:36 AM

Do I really need to say this again?
Stop crying about the Promotion!!

THe rules were there...be one of the first to buy -- never said anything about where.....

You lost, deal with it and cough up the 65 bucks on ebay to make up for your bellyaching!!

Aug 5, 2004, 11:23 AM
Thank you for your terse response (seriously, we need more people who speak their mind). I do plan to "deal with it." I will speak with my pocketbook and through persuasion. Once I learned Verizon provides a rather substantial discount based upon my employer, I knew that I would not be able to purchase the v710 in time to register. So no I didn't lose, but over forty thousand others did lose. Verizon flubbed this up for those thousands AND for Motorola.

And one more thing: e-bay is not an acceptable alternative for many. It's still an auction site with concomitant risks (i.e., losing money to unscrupulous sellers, and defective/misrepresented merchandise).
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 11:32 AM
In all fairness, the real way to make your voice known (both in terms of action and persuasion) is to nix Verizon, period. Buying the phone through Radio Shack instead of a Verizon retail store will not make a dent in their corporate earnings papers (even assuming 5,000 people do the same). The real money is in monthly usage, not in a $200 phone.

I just think it was a case of "the best laid plans" falling apart and the three entities scrambling to insure everyone would land on their feet.

Personally, I think the whole thing is sort of a waste, but, if for anyone who feels the principle is more important than good quality service, then they SHOULD switch. If I was on the side of "shut out of the contest" and had another service option o...
Sam K

Aug 5, 2004, 9:28 AM
Roadhawk and Lick_um. I completely agree with both of you. Roadhawk hit the nail right on the head with his post about the promotion. This is what I've been trying to say all along to the people on HowardForums and I all get in response is "stop whining". This has nothing to do with that. This is a matter of principle.

When Motorola says the promotion is going to star after the phone is released (which is officially August 11th) and they launch the promotion the same day Verizon starts selling the phone online @ www.vzwshop.com, that's unfair to people who wanted to buy it from Verizon (the carrier who determines the launch date). Obviously the people who bought it from vzwshop.com aren't going to get the phone for several days an...

Aug 5, 2004, 9:38 AM
THANK YOU 😁 Finally someone that realizes that there is no whining going on here, nor are we worried about the cost of whatever you would get from the promotion.
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 10:10 AM
I was one of the early buyers of a 710 from Radio Shack, and I registered (I assume successfully) yesterday. And I agree with what you guys have been posting. It's absolutely crappy that Verizon and Motorola have screwed this up as badly as they have, and the proper recourse IMHO is not to consider lawsuits without merit but to consider moving your business elsewhere. If Verizon weren't the best carrier in my area (NYC) I would have considered switching some time ago because of another bonehead move they made. But as far as this goes, it was poorly planned, poorly executed and poorly resolved -- if at all.

Aug 5, 2004, 10:21 AM
Wouldn't it be "funny" if Verizon was going to start some sort of promotion with the v710s they sell. Say, putting together a package that includes a BT headset, case, and car charger for $50?

Remember, Best Buy was giving away a BT headset with each v600 purchased.

It would explain why MOTO went ahead with the promotion -- They would know that the the folks buying the v710 at VZW wouldn't need the "contest" anyway.
Sam K

Aug 5, 2004, 10:35 AM
npitlor said:
Wouldn't it be "funny" if Verizon was going to start some sort of promotion with the v710s they sell. Say, putting together a package that includes a BT headset, case, and car charger for $50?

Remember, Best Buy was giving away a BT headset with each v600 purchased.

It would explain why MOTO went ahead with the promotion -- They would know that the the folks buying the v710 at VZW wouldn't need the "contest" anyway.

Well according to the V710 launch document Verizon is giving a $20 rebate on the HS820 or the HS800 when purchased from Verizon between August 11th and October 31st. Thanks Verizon! That rebate makes your prices for those items equivalent to the online stores and eBay.

Aug 5, 2004, 10:45 AM
Would you mind posting the link from that 'launch document'?
Sam K

Aug 5, 2004, 1:31 PM
jreisner said:
Would you mind posting the link from that 'launch document'?

They have removed it from public access. It was available for everybody when it was first put on Verizon's site but they've moved it to their intranet. If you send me a note with your email address, I'll email to you tonight when I get home from work. Just click on my name in the header of this message and then you can send me a note with your email address.

Aug 6, 2004, 9:16 AM
Sorry can't seem to find that hyperlink.
Sam K

Aug 6, 2004, 9:24 AM
Here's my email address -> SamNKhoury@aol.com. Send me an email and I'll respond with the document.
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 11:20 AM
Based on how professionally this entire sequence of events has been conducted, I'd be surprised if Verizon did NOT do something in response.

Interesting story...I was at the Verizon store yesterday at 57th and 6th in NYC, and the salespeople (three of whom were jealous and none-too-happy with my assessment of the phone being a keeper) advised me that Verizon really tests the sh*t out of their phones...hence the three or four extra months we waited for this release. But what does Motorola think of this delay? I have a feeling everything got crumbled when the product was delivered, finished, from Motorola to Verizon, and Verizon continued to find/create issues. Just knowing Motorola, I don't think they made a mistake and I certainly don't t...

Aug 5, 2004, 12:31 PM
Thats how VZW cust service works... customers bitch, bitch, bitch and they get their way. It really ticks me off b/c I work in a VZW store and it ticks me off to see customers be completely wrong about something, call customer service and using their leverage as a "valuable cust." i.e. "i've been with you guys for 3 years," or "i've got 3 phones with you guys" they get their way.. We have 40,000,000 + customers.. do you think we care if joe schmoe w/his 39.99 am choice 400 who dropped his phone in a pool and wants a new phone for free but cant get it, cancels service? hell no.. b/c customers like that end up being more of a problem and cost us money rather then turn us a profit.

Aug 5, 2004, 1:06 PM
Two issues here:
1. In the case of the bluetooth promotion, the customer is NOT wrong. If you have a promotion for ALL customers, you need to start everyone off on equal footing -- both from a moral and a legal standpoint. Don't tease people with a free item and them call them whiners (which Motorola didn't) because they want what they were promised.Fair is fair. You can't give some people a head start and call it a fair race. In this case, the blame falls on Motorola. They had a clause in their promotion that says the contest begins when they say it begins. I would find it hard to believe that no one at Motorola knew the launch date for VZW was August 11 and for Radio Shack it was August 1 (or whatever). In that case, they could have...

Aug 5, 2004, 1:22 PM
You know it is refreshing to read a post by an intelligent person," CUDOS " to you my friend,moto and verizon only care about the bottom line, the concept of taking care of a long term customer seems to have gone out the window.The basic concept of you scratch my back i scratch yours,no longer happens.

Moto will only respond to a law suit if they have to,and then will spend millions of dollars defending themselves,only to piss of a whole lot of customers.

Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 4:54 PM
It's "kudos," from one (sic) intelligent person to another. 🙄
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 4:53 PM
Heymjo said:
Two issues here:
1. In the case of the bluetooth promotion, the customer is NOT wrong. If you have a promotion for ALL customers, you need to start everyone off on equal footing -- both from a moral and a legal standpoint. Don't tease people with a free item and them call them whiners (which Motorola didn't) because they want what they were promised.Fair is fair. You can't give some people a head start and call it a fair race. In this case, the blame falls on Motorola. They had a clause in their promotion that says the contest begins when they say it begins. I would find it hard to believe that no one at Motorola knew the launch date for VZW was August 11 and for Radio Shack it was August 1 (or whatever

Aug 5, 2004, 6:14 PM
Carlos Caliente said:
Heymjo said:
Two issues here:
1. In the case of the bluetooth promotion, the customer is NOT wrong. If you have a promotion for ALL customers, you need to start everyone off on equal footing -- both from a moral and a legal standpoint. Don't tease people with a free item and them call them whiners (which Motorola didn't) because they want what they were promised.Fair is fair. You can't give some people a head start and call it a fair race. In this case, the blame falls on Motorola. They had a clause in their promotion that says the contest begins when they say it begins. I would find it hard to believe that no one at Motorola knew the launch date for VZW was August 11 and fo

Aug 5, 2004, 7:11 PM
I would concede that the promotion was fair and equal if RS were selling the phone at the same price as VZW. Burt RS is $100 more. Yes, I know that with a two year contract it is the same price, but some of us don't qualify for a two year because we are in the middle of a NE2. So why would I go to RS and spend $100 more under any circumstances. As far as missing out on the Bluetooth promotion if you bought the phone at RS, how did that happen? Were you too late in registering? Are all 710 accounted for already? Be that as it may, when you announce a promotion for EVERYONE, you need to give everyone a fair shot at it. VZW customers didn't get a fair shot. They should have announced it as a RS promotion instead. The promo was clearly...

Aug 5, 2004, 7:57 PM
Heymjo said:
I would concede that the promotion was fair and equal if RS were selling the phone at the same price as VZW. Burt RS is $100 more. Yes, I know that with a two year contract it is the same price, but some of us don't qualify for a two year because we are in the middle of a NE2. So why would I go to RS and spend $100 more under any circumstances. As far as missing out on the Bluetooth promotion if you bought the phone at RS, how did that happen? Were you too late in registering? Are all 710 accounted for already? Be that as it may, when you announce a promotion for EVERYONE, you need to give everyone a fair shot at it. VZW customers didn't get a fair shot. They should have announced it as a RS promotio

Aug 5, 2004, 8:53 PM
You were supposed to pre-register with Motorola and they would have sent you E-mail saying the promotion had begun. I got my E-mail, which is how I knew the give-away had begun, even though I need to buy my phone from VZW to get the less expensive price. My point was that since Moto controlled the start date of the promo -- not VZW -- it was within their "power" to start the promo after August 11, the release date with VZW. And don't say they didn't know. Everyone else on the almost-300 pages of this board knew, so Moto had to know. In fact, they didn't start the promo until a few days after RS started selling the phones and people, myself included, wrote and called Moto to tell them that it wasn't available at VZW until next week. So,...

Aug 5, 2004, 9:01 PM
Heymjo said:
You were supposed to pre-register with Motorola and they would have sent you E-mail saying the promotion had begun. I got my E-mail, which is how I knew the give-away had begun, even though I need to buy my phone from VZW to get the less expensive price. My point was that since Moto controlled the start date of the promo -- not VZW -- it was within their "power" to start the promo after August 11, the release date with VZW. And don't say they didn't know. Everyone else on the almost-300 pages of this board knew, so Moto had to know. In fact, they didn't start the promo until a few days after RS started selling the phones and people, myself included, wrote and called Moto to tell them that it wasn't avail
Sam K

Aug 5, 2004, 10:27 PM
Heymjo said:
You were supposed to pre-register with Motorola and they would have sent you E-mail saying the promotion had begun. I got my E-mail, which is how I knew the give-away had begun, even though I need to buy my phone from VZW to get the less expensive price. My point was that since Moto controlled the start date of the promo -- not VZW -- it was within their "power" to start the promo after August 11, the release date with VZW. And don't say they didn't know. Everyone else on the almost-300 pages of this board knew, so Moto had to know. In fact, they didn't start the promo until a few days after RS started selling the phones and people, myself included, wrote and called Moto to tell them that it wasn't avail
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 4:40 PM
cr8tonboy said:
Thats how VZW cust service works... customers bitch, bitch, bitch and they get their way. It really ticks me off b/c I work in a VZW store and it ticks me off to see customers be completely wrong about something, call customer service and using their leverage as a "valuable cust." i.e. "i've been with you guys for 3 years," or "i've got 3 phones with you guys" they get their way.. We have 40,000,000 + customers.. do you think we care if joe schmoe w/his 39.99 am choice 400 who dropped his phone in a pool and wants a new phone for free but cant get it, cancels service? hell no.. b/c customers like that end up being more of a problem and cost us money rather then turn us a profit.

Well, pr...

Aug 5, 2004, 4:53 PM
Assuming that all of a sudden those 20,000,000 just decided to quit, there is a extremely high possibility that 1/2 of THOSE left are in contracts.. so $175 E.T.F. * 20,000,000 = 3,500,000,000... And since when do 20,000,000 customers just up and decide to quit wireless service, or (ANYTHING!!!), ALL AT THE SAME TIME?!?
Carlos Caliente

Aug 5, 2004, 5:03 PM
One word answer: Enron.

When you make a lousy product but support it, you eventually will go out of business (ie you will eventually lose customers to competitors who are cheaper, better and/or treat their customers better). See Lexus and GM.

If you have a great product but treat your customers like crap, you will, likewise, lose much of your customer base.

If you have a great product and charge a fair amount for same and treat your customers fairly, you will be just fine.

Which is where I believe Verizon is.

You're right...for the most part, you won't see a tidal wave of people breaking their Verizon contracts and crushing their CDMA phones under the front tires of their cars; but going down the road of treating the customer ...

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