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Motorola MPx220


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Text Messages Not Appearing...HELP!


Jan 7, 2007, 4:29 PM

Well, I Have Had My Mpx220 For Maybe Months Now. All Has Worked Well Until A Few Days Ago. I Was Replying To A Text Message And IT Wouldn't Do Anything When I Hit Send. So I Canceled It Then Deleted My Inbox And Sent Items Then It Would Allow Me To Send Messages Again. But Now, After Receiving Just 1 Text Message, If I Get Another One And Try To Open It It Just Displays A Blank White Screen.

Does ANYONE Know How To Fix This Or Have ANY Suggestions....Thanks To All Who Can Help

Feb 2, 2007, 10:21 AM
I am just guessing, try turning your phone off completely and then turning it back on again. That might help if it has something to do with memory. Good luck.

Mar 17, 2007, 12:23 AM
I would like to see a reply to this. I have had 4 of these phones. I bought my first 1 from Best Buy 2 years ago & had problems the first week. The idiots there were no help. I got Cingular to replace it. Both of those phones had volume issues. The third phone had a problem with the camera just quitting for no reason. After I got my fourth phone all of the issues were resolved. I went a full year with no problems whatsoever. Then my contract ended the end of February. As soon as it did then my phone started having the very same text problems as yours. I contacted Cingular & the first thing they said was "well you are eligible for an upgrade, would you like to sign a new contract?" I said NO! It sure seems coincidental doesn't it. They said t...

Mar 17, 2007, 12:33 AM
Just found this link from another link on this forum. I'm going to try it to see if it works for the texting problem. http://www.smartphone2000.com/helpguide.htm#U pdate%20your%20Phone

Mar 18, 2007, 12:34 AM
Don't know if your ever going to read this but, I know how to fix this little problem now. After spending the day trying to find a replacement phone & deciding I don't like any of the new ones, I decided there has to be a way to fix this. I called Cingular again & got a really helpful woman. We thought she got me fixed until I hung up with her. It was screwed up again. I started playing around with the phone & figured it out. There is a file that you can view in the File Manager that you can view with the tree view. It is a temp file where all of your texts go when you delete them. It really boggs the phone down. I had 2051 files in there. I delted the files & it fixed the problem completely.


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