Kyocera Koi KX2
Signal Strength Bars
You can read for yourself at sksxvm.jsp?nSetId=33130&nUsePub=NO&jttst0=181 41_23871,23871,-1,0,&jtfm0=&etfm1=&jfn=ZGED64 FC3606BB33BDBD462E24C872F5BBEAFE531BF84FF5BFD 4565C7964069D3AD4FC349CC0870B12AC8325AA46527B 4359 ... »
Simply another mistake that kyocera continues to make. Just like the SE47...the software is not picking up the correct reading from the battery.
Trust the true battery power..not what you see on the screen. They are just "masking" a known problem by displaying more bars.
Just really BAD Engineering! 🙄
Your reading comprehension level is terrible.
"Signal Strength Bars" has nothing to do with "Battery Life Bars"
Battery Life on the KX2 is about the same as any other color screen camera phone, unused expect to charge about every 48 hours for me. My roomate's Motorola battery lasts about the same, my V120 battery was about the same. Since I charge it every night anyways it's moot.
All the manufacturers lie about battery life, get used to it.
Irregardless, of how you try to explain away the problems with the KX2, It still is the biggest P.O.S. on the market.
If you don't believe it, then go to any Verizon store and simply ask them. The Rep's know which phones work and which ones don't.
The feedback that I have received is that "it has nothing but problems" and the rep's will point you over to a LG, Samsung or a MOTO.
The funny thing is the rep's were wearing the KX2 on their belt clips for about a 2 weeks. I asked what happened, and they said that they, and the customers have nothing but problems with the phone. Now, m...