Sony Ericsson Z500
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Z500 for ATT customer
Nov 4, 2004, 8:34 PM
Hi Yal, I won this phone! I'm an ATT customer and I need to know will I be able to use this phone once the merger is over or will I have to sign up with cingular. Also do they allow you to use phones that have been won or do you have to buy the phone from them. I know I sound crazy but I don't know much about cell phones.
I have a Nokia 3595 and I can't get an ATT signal in my home, I can only get a Cingular signal in my home so I need to know now that they are merging can I use the Cingular signal without being charged extra?
Nov 4, 2004, 8:50 PM
After the plans for the merger were annnounced back in february, Cingular and ATT came to an agreement where Att could run off of Cingular's GSM Network. Thats why the alpha tag on your phone might say Cingular Wireless sometimes instead of ATT. If Cingular shows up, don't worry you won't be charged Roaming no matter what. And to answer your question, YES you will be able to use the cingular tower.
Nov 4, 2004, 10:11 PM
thank you so much. !!!!! I can't wait, I just read online that the phone won't be available til Nov. 30
Nov 5, 2004, 12:26 AM
No Problem!
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