Sony Ericsson Z500
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Im anxious to know if t-mobile will be recieving this phone or not and the date of release...thnx in advance
They won't simply because they don't have EDGE.
t-moble could possibly have this phone. they are setting up EDGE right this very minute. WE dont know when the setup will be complete, but t-mo publically announced it will have edge.
the other question:
I'd prefer Tmo release VoIP, using mobile # and minute, just 4.99 a month
Oh and because its a 850 band phone not 900. Release date for AT&T and Cingular is end of 3rd quarter.
But would it work if you bought it unlocked and used a T-Mobile SIM card?
I answered my own question here by emailing T-Mobile. I'll post it here in case anyone with the same question comes along. The z500 is a triband phone, so as long as your carrier supports GSM 850, 1800, or 1900, you should be able to get service with an unlocked phone. Neat!
We regret any inconvenience. Unfortunately, we have not yet been advised as to if or when we will begin carrying the Ericsson Z500. Any phone that T-Mobile does not sell but you wish to use with our service needs to be a GSM 1900 MHz phone. The best way to determine if it is a GSM phone is if you lift off the battery and
there is a compartment about the size of your thumbnail for the SIM card. It must also be SIM unlocked to be used with any SIM card. Once it meets...
probably Tmo will release Z500i (European/Asian ver) instead of US ver if they sells it
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