Nokia 6255i / 6256i
Nokia replied to my question about the Nokia PC Suite!
I emailed Nokia describing my perceived plight and asked for comments. Well, their reply finally came, and it is great to know that they echo the positive sentiments of several people that I spoke to about it. Here is the entire letter, and do note what is said about using the MM card! -Lorna
"Dear Lorna,
Thank you for e-mailing the Nokia Care Contact Center.
We apologize for the delay in respondin ...
Still's annoyin' if you haveta transfer a bunch of mp3s one at a time, but that may not be what your worried 'bout transferring. 'High' quality photos on the 6256i generally take 20-60k of space a pop, an' the typical 15-second video is like 100k, if that info helps.
SystemShock said:
........... 'High' quality photos on the 6256i generally take 20-60k of space a pop, an' the typical 15-second video is like 100k, if that info helps.
Hey, that helps a LOT! Thanks, SystemShock.
🙂 I am still smiling from the good news. Some of you here plus the fellow at the Experience Center said the same, but when the Nokia techie contact person tells it to you in an email it is the final say-so and I feel relieved.
and I'm in the same fact-finding boat you're in now. I'm trying to find out about getting this phone for renewal of a contract and whether or not the nokia website is useable for renewals, or only new contracts. Do you still have that email address for nokia???
You have to wade through a lot of subjects to finally get to send them an email, but you will find it. I had my email kicked back to me about two times so I kept re-sending it. Finally it got through! You see it above.
I wrote a follow up question on which specific MMC card I should and can get.
Good luck! -Lorna