Nokia 6255i / 6256i
Ringtones for this phone!
I too am having difficulties trying to set an AAC or MP3 as a Ring tone.
I can upload both file types to the phone and play them from the phone but when I go to set either as a ring tone it says "Invalid file type".
The file type I haven't tried thus far is MIDI but I don't seem to have the software for this type of conversion (i.e. from CD to .MIDI).
PhoneScoop specification states that custom ringtone file types supported are AAC and MP3. Is this an error or are they referring to the 6255i only?
My concern is that Verizon has arranged an agreement with Nokia to not allow uploaded MP3s as ringtones. This would be extremely unfortunate and, in my mind, unfair.
Any help would be ...
After going through the forum it is apparent that the DRM is the 'Gate Keeper' (so to speak) for custom ringtones ðŸ¤.
I agree that it is a very nice phone and I will reluctantly live with the Ringtone selection (as limited as it is 😡 ).
But, I would like to point out again that Phonescoop specs state that this phone 'supports' MP3 AAC ringtone which is vague and misleading 😕 .
Before I signed the Verizon agreement I was aware that they limited their customers to GetItNow for ringtones and the like. Currently, Verizon is offering only one vendor for the selection of ringtones called Masttones which is mostly a collection of Arabic tunes and/or remixes of US tunes in the Arabic sound. They do offer some U...
I am not sure what the difference is between MP3s and realtones, but assuming they are both a replication of the actual song (lyrics and all) the answer is No 👿 Verizon will not let it's users set the ringer to an MP3 or realtone.
The phone (6256i) however can play MP3s and AACs (and like I said, quite nicely).