Sanyo RL-4920
Reviews 22
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non-OEM USB, Charging cables for the 4920/Sanyo line
On Ebay there are a TON of non-OEM cables -- travel chargers, car chargers and USB cables -- that are for sale for fairly cheap. My concern is that they are non-OEM -- not made by/for Sanyo, but knockoffs made by some other company.
Has anyone purchased these, and if so, had any problems with them? I don't want to burn out my nice RL-4920 phone, but I'm all about savings.
It works great with BitPim. Haven't tried surfing with my laptop, but it looks like it would work. 😁 Always good to answer your own question. Got it on ebay for $4 + $5.95 shipping. Not bad for $10. (BitPim allows you to upload/download your phonebook, ringers, etc, and it's free!
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