LG PM-325
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anyone had this problem?
i've had the pm325 for about 3 or 4 months now, and i've had to replace it twice within a month because it's been having some major problems with the phone book. i can't add or delete any contacts. when i try to add, it gives me a "contact save exception" error message. it also won't let me delete any of my contacts, while at the same time not displaying any of my contacts past v or only half of my w's. also, i can't use the firmware upgrade. i've set it to upgrade before, and 30 minutes later, it still displays "searching for upgrade". any help would be appreciated.
I just got the pm325 Saturday and haven't had any address book issues but I have the same issue with the firmware upgrade as you, just keeps searching. Sorry I can't help, but I would appreciate an explanation myself.
I just started having a problem with the phonebook as well. However when I add new numbers the contacts don't alphabetize themselves. Also everytime I scroll, the contact I just added repeats itself. I was able to updgrade my phone to v18, but it didn't take care of the phonebook problem for me. I'm really frustrated. Sorry I can't help.
I've seen this on another person's 325, she brought it to the nearby store, and the knowledgeable tech (which has been a great help in my quest for tech support on all my phones) couldn't figure it out, he even called the regional tech, since they were both scratching their heads, her phone was replaced.
Still haven't figured out what it was doing.
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