Danger Hiptop 2 / Sidekick II
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Thinking on sidekick 2.
Right now I have the t-mobile mda. And I have been thinking on getting the sidekick. but I have a few questions first. 1 can u sync it with a computer. 2 if you can us the sidekick Link to a laptop as a modem. 3 is their a program to but a pictuer as home page pic. like using having a picter on the mane page. 4 do the yahoo, aol, msn programs do they work on the text message or work on the Internet. 5 how do the Internet work on it can u get to most Internet sites with password protection.
Thank you
hey. Why would you get the Sidekick when you have a new MDA..? anyways, the Sidekick has a desktop interface, where you log-in and you can do your calendar, to-do list, address book on the computer, and within minutes, it's on your Sidekick. It's pretty cool too because the pics you take show up on the computer, and you don't even need the usb cable. But no, I don't think you can use the Sidekick as a modem for your laptop.. but you can do pretty much anything on the web that a normal computer can do. and as far as password protection goes, it notifies you when you're on a secure or private page like online banking etc. oh and no, you can't put a picture as your wallpaper. kinda stupid but oh well. I hope that helps.
Thank u much. the reson Im thinking of doing it is. Im have truple with my mda. I have one more question do the yahoo, msn, aol it work of the internet like the mda. or it just only us the sms text
yeah that Mda thing looks kind of awkward to use.. but the Aol and Yahoo and MSN all would work off the internet. you'd have to login using the web browser, but it would be just like a regular computer. and the Aol Instant Messenger is just like a regular computers, where you can view the buddy list and everything. it's pretty cool
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