Danger Hiptop 2 / Sidekick II
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Am I the only one?
I'm sure you have all seen the leaked picture of the new SKIII. What are your opinions on it? Not features wise, but it's physical appearence. Am I the only one who prefers the look of the SKII? I suppose once the SKIII is actually released, however, it'll grow on me. Just my opinion, but let's hear everyone else's.
i think the sk3 will be super sick the only thing im not sure about is the scroll wheel the defently changed it up and im not sure if its for the better or not
No, you're not the only one. I don't like the look of the SKIII, either. I much prefer the look of SKII.
To me the SKIII front looks like it's all made of glass... And we all know that there are a lot of problems with the LCD screen breaking or scratching...
And I am concerned about that rubber button for navigation...
Give me SKII any time!
I have to agree with you. like the look of the SK2 MUCH better. The scroll wheel is being replaced with a soft mouse... type... thing... wondering how sensitive it would be, and if you could change the sensitivity. Sometimes you wanna just skim through a page fast, other times you wanna slowly tick down. i dunno, with the wheel, you constantly control the sensitivity. Plus, it excercises the thumb (not that you need anymore with that keyboard) 🤣
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