Audiovox PPC-6600 / PPC-6601 / XV6600 (HTC Harrier)
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Compatability with 05 MS Streets and Trips
We are due to get the XV6600 (no camera as all our clients strip them off you if you show up at their plants with a cam-phone) as soon as they get off back order. Does anyone know if this unit is conpatable with MS Streets and Trips 2005. This latest version has a GPS antenna that comes with the program that plugs into PDA and I would assume PC's. Maybe this would make it into a cheap nav system. 🙄
Yes, Pocket Streets 2005 is compatable with this model phone. Its a great application but not as detailed/informative as simply logging onto [google maps], or Mobile Mapquest (Vzw) IMHO.
As far as GPS? Well you can attatch a gps device via the SDIO slot. Thats one thing I wish this device had built in.
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