Motorola V551 / V330 / V547 / V555 / V557
Calling Cards
The manual of V-551does not show how to store in the phone book an entry for a calling card like:
1-800-xxx-xxxx / pause / {calling card PIN number}.
I will appreciate, if a user of V-551 can confirm that the calling card storing / dialing feature is implemented in the phone.
vb7805 said:
I am frequently calling abroad and I am using prepaid calling cards.
The manual of V-551does not show how to store in the phone book an entry for a calling card like:
1-800-xxx-xxxx / pause / {calling card PIN number}.
I will appreciate, if a user of V-551 can confirm that the calling card storing / dialing feature is implemented in the phone.
I have dug around in the menus for a Calling Card option before but I could not find one. To add the pauses is simple. You have 2 options. Hold down the * key and the * on the screen should turn into a 'p' for pause. I do not know how long the pauses are though. If you keep the * key held down it cycles through '*' 'p' 'w' 'n'.
Dial that number, and at the prompt, enter the two digit code plus #, and you're connected to the appropriate international number. It's pretty easy. I've used it to call Europe and Asia, no worse than any other internet service. Definitely recommend the convenience.