Samsung SCH-A890
The phones are in the stores! A REVIEW of the 890, 8000 & 8940!
The Audiovox 8940 is in route and should be in hopefully at the same time they launch all three phones on Feb 1.
How do they compare? 🙄
Don't get hung up on which one has a better camera and base it only on megapixels. There is more to a good camera than pixel count.
The 8000 has a bright and large screen. The pictures, both indoors and outdoors have better color and saturation and generally look better than the 890. But the 8000 is HUGE!! No, it will NOT be comfortable in a pants pocket. The 8000 is one of th...
-WRONG! the sd card is good only for phone memory expansion, will allow you to save more pics, videos, and downloaded mp3's to card ... but you can't transfer to pc, files locked. the only thing you can transfer from pc to card are mp3's, but wait, you can't use them as ringtones...only listen to them, how else will verizon make money, you have to pay for your mp3 as ringtones, BOY! 🤣
"The 8940 has one BIG advantage in that it has a removable mini SD card. If you will be transfering pictures, video, ringtones or other data, like movies or TV clips, either to your computer or with others, this is very handy and SAVES a lot of money"
-WRONG! the sd card is good only for phone memory expansion, will allow you to save more pics, videos, and downloaded mp3's to card ... but you can't transfer to pc, files locked. the only thing you can transfer from pc to card are mp3's, but wait, you can't use them as ringtones...only listen to them, how else will verizon make money, you have to pay for your mp3 as ringtones, BOY! 🤣
ACTUALLLY---- with the 8940 you can transfer mp3s ...
Free 30 sec ringtones-mp3
by nine178 Oct 15, 2004, 10:04 PM
I dont know if you all know about this 30 sec mp3 free music clip trick or not, but here it is. I can not take credit for this, I actually found it on another forum and think its worth spreading.
For free 30 sec mp3 music:
-Go to Walmart.com, search under Music, do any kind of specific search like sound effects or broad search like rock.
-Click on any album and scroll down, walmart allows you to listen to 30 seconds of almost every song on every album.
-To listen first just left click on the side on the song where it says "mp3 audio" winamp will pop u...
You can send pics, and ringtones using the conversion mp3 to .mid. I did it on the v710, on the 9900, and on my current 8000.
One way to check to see if the phone is just not set up yet to recieve pics (in your case tunes) is by sending yourself a pic.
I figured out th...
Heres a great site for free animated pics/GIF's
http://Gif.net »
...and Im not really sure about short videos to be honest.
http://www.gifanimations.com »
There are a lot of free sites, all you need to do is right click the image save to a folder, than open up in an email. I do NOT attatch the picture. I actually open it up in the email by right clicking in the message area and scrolling up to (insert a picture), this allows you to find the folder (I store things in my documents- under "all files" so its easier to find)
Thats it send it to YourVZW#@vzwpix.com