Sony Ericsson S710a
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better phone
can anyone name a better camera fon than this one 😕
There probably isn't one (at least one available in the U.S.) since it has a CCD lens..and is a true mega pixel camera..1.3 to be exact..
Nov 26, 2004, 9:08 AM
i can, but its not availible here in the states
samsung has a 3.2mp cam phone in korea
samsung has also developed a 5mp cam phone
numerous docomo phones have at least a 2mp cam
But more mega pixels doesn't always equate to better quality..this SE has a CCD lens on it, which takes very high quality photos, much better than the CMOS lens found on most camera phones...
Ya most in the US and Europe i guess, but if u look at a AU by KDDI, or NTT DoCoMo magazine the phones are sick. Out of the 20 somthing phones only 2 or 3 have CMOS, the rest CCD and the megapixels go from 1-4. If only i lived in Tokyo......Maybe they'll have similar phones here, in like 2 years. And on another note I was at the mall today and the picture on the American Eagle bag has kids using a s710a to take a picture. I hope this phone is out b4 christmas!!!
I agree, I would love to see the S710a be released through Cingular in December. has it listed on their website with a $150.00 mail-in rebate which brings the phone to $269.99, awesome deal!!! I think it's about time this phone and the Motorola V620 were released. If any Cingular reps have received inside information that either of these two phones will be released soon, I would appreciate it if you could post a comment. Please Santa...even though Cingular has been bad this past year, get them this phone so we can buy it from them. I'd hate to end having to purchase the Moto V551, being the only other available EDGE capable phone.
The Nokia 6620 is EDGE, I have one..and I also happen to have an extra brand new one for sale, along with a Motorola HS810 Bluetooth headset and 2 extra 32MB memory cards that go along with the is a dynamite phone..
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