Sony Ericsson S710a
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FCC Approval Info
ID: PY7A1021051
Date Approved: 08/24/2004
Dont know if this is true or not but just googled "sony s710a fcc approval" and had this info
Edit: Upon further inspection, that may be the FCC ID for the s700i... I don't know for sure but I think that is the case.
It may be for both! Looking at the two listings, the second one, in one of the documents it does not mention the s710a, however it does mention an s700 with EDGE and 850, however test results were not applicable at the current time, this leads me to believe that it is approved! simply as an s700 with EDGE and 850, they probably didn't have an official name for it at the time!
...'s for the 710i.......
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