Sony Ericsson S710a
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New Release Info
I was at work today and my regional manager was there, which sucks because your afraid to mess up around her, but she had some interesting info. She was asked by a fellow associate who was inquiring for a customer about the release of this phone. She made a call to someone who would know... I don't know who that would be, but she came back with the answer of next week. Now that is probably when they leave our distribution center, so I would expect them to take another week or so after that to get on the shelves, but his info coroborates another Cingular employees claim someone on one of these boards that it would be coming out Dec. 24th-ish.
Buy this time, any release info on this phone seems to be wild speculation and can be classifi...
About F'in time!!! Thanks for the good news 🙂
Lets just remember this is more specualtion that anything at this point... but man it would be sweet. I almost want to discredit my own information because of the lack of FCC approval as of yet....
Dec 10, 2004, 12:33 AM
👿 I'm getting sick and tired of waiting for Cingular to release this phone.
I'm really close to buying a different phone from a different carrier.
Anyone know what kind of marketing strategy this is? I would think they would release it several weeks before Christmas.
Please keep us all updated if anyone hears anything different on the release date.
😈 me too damn it!!!!
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