Sony Ericsson S710a
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Jan 15, 2005, 10:57 AM
👿 If you thin Europe is millenia ahead of the u.s. in mobile tech and they have streamin audio, chew on this...i hear that in the middle east they already hae the streamin audio deal and much more cauz theyr millenia ahead of europe in phone tech! and us stuck here in u.s. ...shouldnt we get better tech?
We should, if we had corporations as smart as the ones over seas. But no, we're stuck with our Motorola's and our Microsoft's and just about every automobile manufacturer, which they all dish out crap and lack the raw brain power it takes to come out with something new and/or innovative. They just basically wait around until the rest of the world does it, then they sort of mimic that so they don't have to do all the hard work.
You make a good point, innovation. The problem with that in the US is litigation. Come up with a good idea and you get sued for copyright or patent infringement.
European and Middle Eastern countries push new products to stay on the bleeding edge. Here, companies use their resources more to saturate the market with lesser expensive products and milk the market dry until demand for a new product reaches the stage of uproar resulting in much higher profits. Greed, along with a majority of complacents is what keeps the newset technologies from reaching the public sector. 😳
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