Sony Ericsson S710a
Help with Basic Info
I don't even own an s710a, but I am looking to buy one soon from Ebay or Craigslist. I am a complete cell phone junkie and enjoy researching phones when I have nothing really to do (I'm not as weird as I sound). Anyway, I had a couple of questions regarding the SE s710a that some of the other owners out there may just know.
First... Does the s710's LED flash actually "flash", or does it just turn on before the picture and then off afterward??? I'm not really picky about which it does, but I'd just rather know before I get it.
Second... What does the lock/light switch do? I know it locks the keypad, but what does the light part do? Does it turn on the LED so it can double as a flashlight? Please help.
Third... One...
Not really sure what the 'emergency' alarm would be, but i do know that even when your phone is silenced, if you set an alarm for w/e time that an audible alert Will sound. Maybe there is more to be said about Silent mode preferences b...