Sanyo MM-5600
Reviews 49
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Night PIctures
just a thought off the top of my head, but if enough people complain about the night pictures to sanyo, wouldn't they be able to just make a firmware update that would include a 'night mode' so that the camera can stay open for a slight bit longer and absorb more light? i'm sure its really not THAT hard. so what, the pictures are a little blurred. better than not seeing any at all. thats the ONE gripe i have about this phone......oh yah, also the fact that took away my internet :-(
but i still love this phone
lemme know what you think. being an engineer, i really don't see the difficulty in this.
Yea I think a firmware update can fix this issue also. People on here say fireware updates cant because its a Camera issue but it think it can.
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