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Sanyo MM-5600


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MP3 problems how do i do this??


Apr 17, 2005, 11:45 AM
This is my first advanced phone so I really do know what Im doing. How do I put MP3s on my phone? Do I need an MP3 converter? How do they get from PC to phone. Maybe Im retarted but I cant seem to figure this out. SOMEONE.... ANYONE... please help me!

Apr 17, 2005, 4:46 PM
All you need is some sort of SD card reader for your PC. First, create a media folder on the card with it plugged into the phone. The phone will direct you to do this when you access the card. Then simply plug the miniSD card into the adapter and into your card reader (assuming you have one, get one if you don't) attach it to your pc, and the card will show up as an additional drive. Save any mp3s that you want in the media folder and enjoy. It took me a couple of tries too, just make sure that you have the media folder set up first and you should be golden.

Apr 27, 2005, 12:23 AM
i went through the reviews that you gave on putting mp3 on the card and they are still not there can someone call me or email me and take me through it @ pjdjmm@yahoo.com thankyou

May 9, 2005, 8:52 PM
step one:
Open your box.

step two:
Remove the USB cable that is inside it. (be careful there's some plastic around it and a twistie tie, you'll probably want to take these off to fully use the cable)

step three:
plug the USB cable into the USB port on your computer.

step four:
Remove the miniSD card from the packaging.

step five:
Insert the card into the card slot on the phone.

step six:
Plug the other end of the USB cable into your phone.

step seven:
on your phone select option 2, which should be mass storage device

step eight:
Your computer will recognize the phone as a new device and should automatically start up the "Add New Hardware Wizard" once this completes it should install the phone as a mass storage d...

May 10, 2005, 4:20 PM
step fifteen:


May 12, 2005, 2:29 PM
uh, what happened to step fourteen?

May 12, 2005, 10:46 PM
this was step 14....
step fourteen:
select miniSD instead of channel listing, woah! your files are on your phone now!!!! and you didn't spend any money on a reader, and you didn't have to do any converting (as long as it is in either .aac or .mp3 format to begin with) wow, how freaking easy!

May 13, 2005, 5:55 PM
You are now my favorite person in the whole world! Thanks.

May 9, 2005, 8:56 PM
u muss bea retarted becoz u ca'nt spel gud!

Hooked On Phonics apparently did not work for you, you should get your money back.

Read my reply to pjdjmm for layman's instructions. It's quite simple.

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