Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood
What features is verizon going to remove?
Im pretty sure the bluetooth will be crippled much like the v710. But what about the mp3 player ? custom ringtones ? Syncing with my mac ? Thanks for any info.
Danthalas said:
Verizon has a history of disabling features, even removing features customers purchase the dam phone for. So, does anybody know what will stay and which ones will go ?
Verizon can't remove Bluetooth profiles after the phone has already been Qualified by Bluetooth SIG and still call it "Bluetooth".
That did't happen with the V710. OBEX was never there.
Motorola and the carriers likely won't be harmless if they alter the approved configuration. Bluetooth SIG will enter the crossfire too if they reapprove the phone with missing profiles.
Then there is the whole trademark branding issue for Bluetooth itself. The SIG says "A core value of the Bluetooth SIG Mission Statement is 'interop...
UofDVZW said:
The phone is OBEX approved.. not required... we will see this phone on other carriers... the profiles are still carrier dependant don't be disappointed if the e815 doesn't have OBEX for verizon wireless
You are saying that Bluetooth SIG will approve the firmware, allow a retailer to remove key profiles, and still authorize the use of the Bluetooth Trademark and logo on the stripped down unit?
Verizon can't do that, unless Bluetooth re-qualifies the unit again with fewer profiles. That's never been done before and it is against their current interoperability policy.
The V710 was also boasted with bluetooth and the phone was crippled.
Not only that, but when you take your phone in they upgrade your software without your consent which in turn disables your trans-flash card reader.
I am highly pi***d that I am now stuck in a 2 year contract with Verizon and stuck with a phone that was a "one and only" for Verizon that is not completely useless.
I complained about my memory card reader problem and they said "we no longer support the Card Reader", yet they continue to offer phones with this feature.
I really hope someone sues t...
Also the only real issues is that some car manufactors are only allowing phone book transfers dones by the OBEX profile... however if you own a BMW or buy a new BMW you are able to tra...
UofDVZW said:.. it is up to the carriers discretion to decide what features to allow in a phone..thats why each carrier has its own firmware...
True. But it is solely up to Bluetooth SIG to decide what is - and what is not Bluetooth Qualified.
If Verizon wants to monkey around with the profiles, after the unit is Qualified, they better be ready to call the modified phone something other than Bluetooth.
jbozmi said:
This is no different than what they did with the V710, ...
I really hope someone sues the hell out of them.
Well, really it is different. OBEX file transfer was never built into any V710 phone sold by Motorola anywhere, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, nowhere.
Why? Because Bluetooth SIG never Qualified the V710 phone to do that; to have file transfer on demand to another enabled device.
Now, the E815 is different. It has been built and Qualified with the OBEX profile, so that configuration will be sold somewhere. Carriers can't decide on their own what is Bluetooth. Only Bluetooth SIG can permit the use of that Trademark.
So any phone E815 that is sold without OBEX would be "crippl...
The problem is not with Motorola they are ready to enable OBEX profile on e815 so that customers can download pictures to their laptop using bluetooth technology. Its just that carrier wants to make money out of this. This functionality is implemented on phone unfortunately looks like it will be disabled for time being. However it wont be long these phone will have OBEX profile enabled soon.