Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood
Proper way to recharge E815 battery?
My current phone hardly holds a charge, and I was wondering if there was a proper way to charge the E815 battery. I currently put my phone in the charger every night when I get home from work.
After charging the phone for the first time it is used, what time interval for charging it would be best to preserve its capacity to hold a charge - daily, only when needed, or what?
I'd like to retain the capacity of the battery at its peak.
TIA, Tom
I would only recommend charging it when it is just about completely dead that is the best way to condition the battery.
Just fyi - If you get enough replies, someone else will come along and warn you that witht he kind of batteries in cell phones, letting your battery drain down all the way will *also* kill your battery.
I love this phone. But Id like to keep it in good shape for that I think that is better if I charge the battery while the phone is off during the night, at least some times, is that correct?? Anyway the problem is that I turn it off, I plug the charger into the phone and the phone goes back on again by itself. It turns on when the charger is pluged too, if I turn it off with the charger it turns on again by itself. It is my phone haunted>>?? 😁 Some times it works but is anoying i have to try several times until it stays off and just charges the battery,
I don't know, but when I first received the phone I charged it for almost 24 hours (I actually forgot about it because I was still using an old phone). Then I realized that I could leave the phone on for around 10 days (without making calls because I still had my old phone) before the battery indicator began to drop. So, when I charged my E815 again I just left it for at least 12 hours, and I did this 2 or 3 times. I'm not a heavy user at all (sometimes I do...
Once a day you should power off your phone for about 10 seconds, once a week pull the battery for 20 seconds. This resets the phone very much like shutting down a computer. You won't find this in any manual or online directions, it came from the techs at a VZW store.
Nice phone 🙂