Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood
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Does anyone else lose sound randomly while playing mp3/video?
Sometimes when I play certain mp3s that I put on the card, it'll lose sound playing midway. It'll always be at the exact same spot. If I remove it and reupload it, on occassion it'll be fixed or the lose will occur at a different spot.
Is this because of the mp3 encode or a faulty transflash or phone? I just got my phone a few days ago so it's brand new.
I haven't played any MP3s I've had on the t-flash, but I've had a problem with all ringtone apps I've downloaded in that none plays the ringtones on the app I select. I even bought 3 uses from Xringer2 and can't hear a thing. The ONLY app I've downloaded that I can hear the ringtone library is the (surprise, surprise!) VZW Tones Deluxe app. (and with that one I have not bought any uses).
I got the phone last week, so tomorrow I'm stopping at the VZW store and looking into it.
Ya, I bought my phone two days ago and both mp3s and videos are janky and buggy. I spoke with customer support and they told me I was SOL cause it was my personal files and they were probably the problem. I bought my phone at Best Buy and and they had no idea either. Next Tuesday I want to see if I can exchange it for another one, if the problem persists at least I'll know it isn't because of a faulty phone/card.
So I guess no one else has had any problems (audio disappearing) playing personal MP3s on this phone?
i have found that the thing that allows you to record your voice or what not is extremely low. the playback that is.. also when i sent a video mail to someone when i played it back i could hear it.. but if i look at the actual message then it's completely silent... eh. i really really liked this phone but this could pose a problem... i will take it back to alltel and see what's up. 🙄
Hey I've been having the same problem. I've loaded songs onto my TF from the computer but when I play them on the phone it plays for about a minute, sometimes a few seconds longer, then the volume dies out but I can still see the timer counting on the mp3 player. I swapped out my phone for a different one to see if it was the phone but it appears that something else is wrong cause it did the same thing on both phones. It does it on every song that I have. Does anyone know if this is a formatting issue or something? Am I loading the mp3s incorrectly onto the phone? Thanks!
Ya, that's my problem too. I exchanged the phone and the 2nd is still doing the same thing. It's pissing me off.
run 3 defrag passes on the card... the 710 had a similar problem, but it would hard reset instead of just stopping. 🙂 and yes I know you don't have to defrag solid state stuff, but damnit the phones choke when a file is not contiguous for some reason...
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