Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood
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Memory card
I just recently purchased the Hollywood and I need to buy a memory card for the phone. I looked online and im not sure about which memory I should buy. I found a 1GB microSD Card that I think will work, but on I found that there is a 1GB microSD Card ULTRA card. It costs about 10 dollars more.
Do I need the ultra or will the regular card work just as well? Or do I have to buy one over the other just because the other one wont work with the phone?
in case you hadn't made your purchase by now....... i would just buy the 1G micro-SD Card, rather than buying the Ultra. i have the 1G, and the E815. granted the Hollywood and the E815 might not be exactly alike in EVERY way, but from all the months i spent reading this forum (researching the E815 and then later which Card to buy), i get the impression they operate much the same.
i have over 150 MP3 songs and 30-50 ringtones i downloaded on my card, and it's about full, so well worth the $37 i spent on E-Bay for the card.
if you haven't already, maybe look on some other forums besides this one to see if anyone's tried the Ultra by now.
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