Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood
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Replacement Model Number
So as the V710 was replaced by the E815/816, so must the E81x series be replaced. But what will it be called? Motorola isn't particularly good at choosing model numbers that reflect either status in their line or lineage of the phone. (Wouldn't it be nice if, for example, the top of the line ended in a "95"? And each generation went up by a digit? Then you'd know that a Super XT395 was better than a Super XT485, but that the 485 was one generation ahead. Gee, Motorola, is that too easy?)
Anyway, does anyone have any inside tip on when an E815 replacement is coming and what cryptic model number it might have?
Previous discussions here on the same topic said there were no plans for a replacement and that (argh!) the RAZR will take up the slack for the V710/E815 fans.
No way for me. Not a RAZR fan here and I'll never own one.
Hard to believe. I'm no RAZR fan either. (And the PINK one just doesn't go with any of my outfits!) Still using the V710 without any problems except that my extended-life battery is beginning to stay charged less and less long. I figured a new phone is cheaper than a new battery with the "new every two" plan. Will wait a little longer and see what develops. I am pretty locked into Verizon - especially since their service is the only one around with moderately decent reception/coverage in my area. I don't like the LG, Nokia or Erikson phones much, the Samsungs don't seem too bad, but I have always had Motorola phones, so I'm used to their menus and other functions. Verizon charges for every little service - and too much, at that, so I don't ...
Yeah, I had a V710 and was quite happy with it, but in August the E815 was being phased-out and I liked some of the new stuff on it, so I got one basically for free with the new-every-two and a $50 rebate.
I too was hoping to find something similar to the V71/E815 but alas, no dice.
What's going to be your next phone? Are you going to stick with Motorola, or move on?
The most important features in a new phone to me are 1. reception sensitivity and 2. volume of ringers and speaker phone. No one seems to rate these qualities. If you know of a site where these factors are examined, please let me know!
From what I'm told, the traditional V and E series are being phased out for the most part, and we'll be seeing more phones like the RAZR or PEBL. The only traditional form factor Motorola I know of coming soon is the V325i. It is said to be much like the V325 but with bluetooth. It may be a step down from the V710 as far as outer screen quality, and it has the Verizon UI, but it's built like a tank and reception is on par with the V710/E815, the speakerphone seems pretty good and overall it's a very nice phone. That said, I'd take an E815 over the V325. You could try out the V325 first and if it's not to your liking, there are plenty of new E815's available online or perhaps from indirect dealers.
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