LG VX-8100
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I purchased the music essentials kit from my verizon store about a week ago and today loaded the drivers on to my computer. i connected my phone to the usb cable and then loaded windows media 10 on my computer as per the instructions... then when i attempted to click on the "sync" tab within wmp it tells me "no device has been detected. press f5 to refresh the player." i am very confused because my computer seems to recognize my phone everytime i turn it on when it's plugged in by making a chiming noise, but then wmp does not recognize that there is a device plugged in... any advice would be greatly appreciated. 😕
also... i only have version 4 on my phone.. do i need to upgrade to version 7 to sync my phone and computer?
im having the same problem, i have a regular usb cable i wonder does that make any difference?
i also have a samsung a930 and a verizon music essentials kit and im having the same problem im having with my 8100, its not detecting the phone ...i dont get it
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