Samsung SCH-i730
How do I???
Do you need the data plan to access the WiFi feature?
Pdaphonehome.com the answers to pretty much all your questions
http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/samsung-i730-i830-i830w/ »
also there are all the hacks out there and quite a few useful programs and such. all they ask is that you use the forum search function before you post, since the phone has been out for over two years and most questions have already been answered. seriously, it helped me a lot as a new owner, so I thought I would share the wealth
Max SD Card Capacity?
One of the complaints I read in the reviews and the forums is that the limited on board RAM and ROM can gag the unit frequently. Some recommended putting everything that you possibly can, including data, apps, etc, on the SD card.
I need to know what is the largest capacity SD card that anyone has been able to use, sync, etc. reliably.
Samsung recommends 1G, but says the device is designed for 4G. I've read on older postings that access time can be an issue. The newer SD cards are now running at 50x or 150x. I was wondering if that would solve the access time issue and allow us to push the 4G limit.
WM5 Modem Hacks?
Any fixes?
Removing Items From Title Bar
Thanks for your help in advnace.
WIFI quit working
How do you upgrade to wm5??
Your samsung sch-i730 can now be upgraded to microsoft windows mobil 5.0 for pocket pc phone edition
To upgrade your sch-i730 go to
http://www.verizonwireless.com/data »
I downloaded it but when i try to install is says
"upgrading a device from this machine is not supported"
any idea why?
WM5 Contact list
I am planning on upgrading to WM5 but I want to be absolutely sure that I don't lose my contact list. I assume that my backups will not be compatible with WM5, so how can I save this list so I can put it back on the phone again after installing WM5? Other than writing everything down by hand...
Is the contact list stored on the phone as a file?
Microphone sensitivity very low
Do others have this problem, and if so, is there a solution? You'd think a $500 PHONE would have a decent microphone!!!!!
Where can I get simple RINGTONES THAT ARE NOT SONGS???
Enzo Thacet
Live Streaming Video
Many Problems...
I have the Samsung SCH-I730 (non-GSM version from VZW). I have had this phone for approximately 4 months. When I insert my SD card into the SDIO slot, my signal strength degrades a lot. Sometimes, I receive no signal at all, even with a fully charged battery. I upgrade the PRL frequently and still experience the problem. I have hard reset my phone one manually, and one time so far my phone hard reset itself on its own! Also, this phone drops calls like crazy. This phone has also turned on the backlight on its own for no reason (no call, voicemail, text, e-mail etc). Is anyone else experiencing issues such as these? I paid $400 for this thing and it is bascially a PDA paperweight. Any feedback/assistance is appreciated. Thanks!!...
Just got an i730 what software do you recommend?
SCH-i730 DUN For PDA
samsung i730 OR treo 700W?? WIFI ACCESS???
Also, can one access WIFI without taking the $79.99 or higher plan? I just have a $39.99 (450 minutes) plan with verizon and wonder if I'll be able to access wifi anyway without all of the bigger packages available through verizon.
Napster to Go works
Now I'm going to have to upgrade the 512MB card to a 2GB - I found new ones on ebay for around $150.
Garmin GPS 10 on i730?
1. Has anyone used a BT GOS and software with the i730?
2. Any concerns, comments?