Motorola V235
Reviews 14
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Those who do not learn from history...
are doomed to keep buying lousy motorolas
you have to be kidding me... does anyone still trust entry level motorolas?
when someone walks into my cinglar store as says "Yes, hello. I have a singerlar and the verizon guy said he could give me a free fone. Do you have any free fones?"
What am I suppose to do, "oh yes ma'am, we have this Black RAZR over here, it's perfect for your needs, oh it looks like you have a 1300 dollar credit deposit."
Some people need a cheep phone. It's that simple.
yea, not everyone lives on their phone, or needs tons of features.. there is a niche for this type of phone.
I'm not saying everyone should be buying 200 dollar phones, I'm saying motorola makes terrible entry level phones... v180, v188, v190, v220 I just don't trust the brand to do it.
yea the 220 and 180 had a few problems towards the end of their life. Overall though, the 180 was a pretty good lil phone... the 220 shouldn't have ever been released.
I have the V188 as a back-up phone and it's great. Light, small, good reception, very fast menues, etc. Motorola isn't all bad. Im sure this new phone wont be bad.
The V180 wasn't bad at all. The V220 was definitely too much packed into too little. That phone certainly had problems and I'm glad we don't have it anymore. This V235, however, is not reminiscent of that series rather, it looks like the V3xx-V6xx series which was always a pleasure to sell. Some people have their V551 horrors, but every line has its bad apples. This phone seems like it will sell well, especially if we can get it out for under the 50 dollar mark.
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