Nokia 6101 / 6102
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6102 Email
Contrary to this site's spec sheet, this phone DOES NOT have an email client. It may be that Cingular removed it, but at any rate, it's not there. You can send email VIA MMS, but I nbeed to receive email. If anyone knows of a third party app that I can buy for this purpose please let me know.
u should message the sites admins, on the bottom of the spec sheet and let them know that there is a mistake.
This phone does NOT have a POP/SMTP email client! Nokia site also incorrectly says it does. I complained to Nokia and they said something to the effect that the carrier may or may not disable any phone feature. But the manual makes no mention of an email client. I think only "Series 60 or 80" phones have email clients, and the clients are not great. I am considering returning this phone because (1) no email client (2) low volume. It is great in most other ways, so please post here if anyone finds a third-party Java email client that works. I have tried many but got none to work (but Gmail is a tough case due to SSL and odd TCP port requirements).
I have posted the same question in several forums with no response. The low volume issue can be fixed. Check this foum, it's in there somewhere. It's too bad this doesn't have email since it is a really nice phone in many other respects.
Of course you're right-- email is critical and these phones just don't cut it in that respect. There are two 3rd party apps that I'm aware of- one of them apparently now out of business and neither one all that great. EMailViewer by Reqwireless was OK--- but connection was/is very unreliable, and I believe they're out of business now (at least the web site no longer seems to function). The other app is BlueInBox-- which is OK but missing some essential features in my opinion. For example if you read an email on your desktop, when you use the BlueInBox app you can't tell whether it's been read already or not. Connection is also iffy. I understand they're coming out with an update in January that might be better--- it might be worth looking at...
Thanks for the info. Just ordered a data cable so I think I'll try out the Blueinbox.
Can you please post your reaction after you use it? I think I'm going to wait until the update to see if it addresses the issues I have raised.
Will do. I hope to have my cable by this weekend and try things out.
Did you try the blueinbox, or any other e-mail client?
I tried the Movamail. I got it to work once or twice, but then something changed in the settings and I couldn't connect. If my data cable ever gets here, I'm going to try Blueinbox and I'll post results here.
Blueinbox loads OTA-- you don't need the data cable.
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