LG V VX-9800
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Held one yesterday...
I held one at my nearby VZW store last night. It is small approx. the size of the Motorola PTT candybar style phone. The keys on the inside keypad are very close together. From the outside it looks just like a typical 'candy bar' style phone. There also is no external antena. Personally, I'm happy with my LG 8100. The 9800 was nice but, I am just not into 'candybar' style phones. It is definately smaller than the Sidekick, so that's a definate plus for VZW to possible get some T-Mobile customers.
Sep 25, 2005, 10:15 AM
I agree with you-- I'm not a fan of the "candy bar" style either.
I agree with the "Candy bar style" but it would be a sacrifice I would make for the phone (If it turns out to be a good phone that is, because a nice phone isn't help me when I make loose a million dollar client due to poor signal.)
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