LG V VX-9800
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October 2nd is the Date!
Yep, went to the Verizon store tonight and took a look-see and he said that October second is when they hit the shelves..... Take that for what its worth because verizon reps dont know what they r talking about half the time. Overall, the phone came out to be somewhat a dissapointment because the inner screen was about 3"x3" WAYYYYY too small for my liking. Also, the buttuns were VERY small naking it hard for guys and girls with their nails done. The price is going to be 349.99 with a 50 mail in rebate...... he also said that by Thanksgiving, expect a major price drop,
probably $199 after rebate. I really dont know if imma get this phone or a free 8100 with my new every two.... 😕
I advise you to look this forum over. A lot of the information you've mentioned has already been discussed here and is from much tighter sources.
Corrections: Hits DIRECT stores October 1st, indirect stores October 5th and online sales September 26th (so far, there have been no changes on the release dates).
3"x3" would make it a square. It's close, but not exactly a square. And if that's too small, perhaps Radioshack carries a cable that will allow you to plug a 13" TV to it to give you a bigger viewing area. 😉
The buttons are considerably larger and much more spaced out than say a Sidekick or a Treo 600/650 (then, I'm aware this is a matter of preference). As far as guys who get their nails done, you're on your own. 😁...
Thanks for the corrections.... at least you werent a D*ck about it.... oh and the thing about guys getting their nails done, i live in San Francisco........... need i say more? haha
living in frisco,wouldn't you want him to be a d**K about it?........(sorry,I had to..no offense intended....).....BTW,I get manicures also.......girlfriend says clean hands can travel anywhere 😉
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