LG V VX-9800
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EVDO for Mobile Office Kit?
Sorry if this has been asked before but will you be able to buy a mobile office kit to get MOU (minutes of usage) EVDO speed net access? I haven't seen anything about the mobile office kit for this phone but i have one from my LG 7000 i know it should fit in the 9800. thoughts?
No. Verizon hasn't and most likely won't release a Mobile Office Kit for its Ev-DO phones. As it is, VZW requires you to have a data plan to use a Mobile Office Kit but people still find ways to use the NationalAccess (1xRTT) network without one and get it for free with MOU (though VZW is beginning to crack down on this). The last thing VZW needs is for people to figure out a way to use the MOK of an Ev-DO handset and use it for high speed internet while paying nothing more than MOU.
I kinda side with them for it. If you want high speed internet, get cable or DSL.
Well, it would be good for people like me who live out in the boonies. We can't get cable internet or DSL where I live. 😢
I haven't seen any signs of an actual "crackdown" on using 1x MOU for a tether, but you're right that they really don't like it.
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