LG V VX-9800
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um today is sept. 26th. where is it?
i thought the big news was that it was going to be available online today, sept 26th? it's 9:34am here and i don't see it yet... 😳
anyway can anyone else confirm the price drop after thanksgiving? thanks
I heard it would be in the evening. As for a price drop, you can't confirm that until it happens.
Just to let everyone know, i just called verizon and its coming out Oct 5th.
?!@?!?!?!?!? October 5th? everyone was saying it would be september 26th available on website, and october 1st in verizon stores, and like october 5th-6th? for regular stores that carry verizon....
what's going on? 😕
Nothing is set in stone. Verizon never officially released a date. Maybe it was pushed back.
I was at a verizon wireless store today and i asked the sales rep if he knew of any release date. I think he actually knew just wasn't obligated to tell. However, he did tell me within a month. So i think any other date you hear besides from verizon, it just another rumor.
Go to http://www.vzwshop.com/GinStore/# type in your zip code and it is available to buy, but only for new customers as of so far. It is $299.99 for 2yr after web only instant rebate. As of so far, that is the only way I can find to buy one. Nothing yet for existing customers.
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