LG V VX-9800
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Dial-Up Network Profile Included - Suspiciously So...
Since all the hoopla surrounding the ability to use the BlueTooth DUN profile on the Motorola E815 by simply enabling the feature has come about, I wonder if Verizon has gotten any wiser about tracking "illegal" usage by some means with this phone. I have to tell you it is VERY nice to jump on the high speed network and check email and browse websites using the E815 as a BT modem.
The info on the VX9800 shows that it includes BT DUN profile. It makes me suspicious, however, that you can get on the network - as easily and as cheaply as the E815 - using this phone. It may be a case of caveat emptor...
The official policy is that none of the 1xEVDO handsets can be used as a tether -- I have no doubt that your discovery of the BT DUN not being crippled is not intentional and they will eventually try to cripple it with a firmware update to the new units.
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