LG V VX-9800
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Oct 6, 2005, 1:10 PM
I just got my phone and I'm trying to check the equqlizer but I don't know how. I don't have my mini sd. Also I turned off the bluetooth but in just two days my battery is on 1 bar left. I'm on my 4th day and my second choice is the 8100. Though I like the phone a lot.I don't even know how to install MP3 on this.
You need a mini sd card, you can download mp3's and movies to the card from the computer.
How do you get movies on the card? Someone mentioned some software that seriously shrinks video files (like family guy episodes) to about 15mb. Any idea about software like this or how to get the videos into a format that works on the phone?
You can not check the EQ with out having MP3's on the phone.A mini SD is just like the hard drive on your PC.You can copy music to your PC using Windows Media Player and then copy them to the MP3 folder on the card.Make sure the card has been formated you can do this with the card in the phone.There are allot of programs you can use for the music and videos.The thing is that the movies have to be in 3pg format to play and you have to have a sd to store them on.Just get your self a card and start playing around.You will be surprised on the stuff you will get on your own.
www.imtoo.com this is the video converter I use for the movies.
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