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wireless sync help


Oct 10, 2005, 8:00 PM
hey guys, im new to the forum and i just got a quick question, hopefully someone can help me out with it. i just got my 9800 and im having a hard time setting up wireless sync for it. i followed the directions for or at least i thought i did but when i go to sync it up its saying authentication error, is there anyone out there that can help me set this thing up? it would be most helpful, thanx B

Oct 11, 2005, 8:37 PM
Wireless Sync is tricky. First you have to make sure that Verizon subscribed you with the wireless sync. option which cost about $20. Next you have to make sure your email is compatible with this feature. Yahoo and MSN Pop3 account DO NOT WORK with wireless sync(ws). Next you have to make sure if you are using a corporate email that you have a user name and password from you I.T. department. Last but not least you have to make sure after you set everything up online at www.verizonwireless.com/wirelesssync that you set you phone up as well under account settings in the wireless sync menu on the phone.

Oct 14, 2005, 3:12 AM
What are you telling this poor guy...

Go to wirelesssync.vzw.com 1st.

set up your account. If you have POP or IMAP use the outlook monitor or the "retrieve my email for me" option for POP/IMAP.

3rd: Access get it now with the wireless sync option and the WS App will prompt you for the PW you just created when you setup the acct:

Or just call 866-788-9387(WDTS).

good day.

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