LG V VX-9800
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video sound sync???
Ok, so i just got the phone about a week ago and i love it, i haven't had any problems with the mp3 player, it's got awesome sound and the keyboard is awesome deven though it's hard to get used to after being used to t9. anyway, i've been trying to get movies on my phone and i've got the 3gp converter but whenever i try the setting "3GPP+AAC" and QCIF Normal Quality 15fps stereo or mono, i get back an error. i've managed to get a couple files to go through but the sound and the video are a little bit off of each other, is there a way to fix this or is this something that happens often? i read a thread about someone with a similar problem and he was told to change the settings to what i used. any help would be appreciated thanx.
Open the 3PG_Converter folder and run the Setup.exe and choose General: 3GPP+AAC General Setting.
Then run 3GP_Converter (3GP_Converter.exe)
Select QVGA Normal quality 15fps Stereo or Mono.
those were the settings i've been using but i was trying qcif instead of qvga, but i refreshed the general setting by reloading it and changed it to GVGA and it still gives me the error, is there something i'm not getting??? i tried using stereo and mono on both .mpg and .avi files and nothing seems to work.
hmmm I can't think of anything right now. Umm i will see if i come up with someting tommorrow. 😕
I converted like 20 music videos and put them on my phone....but i couldnt convert some....it also gave me an error..so i dunno try convertin other videos or other movies..
Wait, what error messege were you both of you guys recieving?
if its a certain one then I think I know the problem.
i'm not sure how to copy the picture and use it as a link like many people do in the threads on here but this is what it says on the last three lines in the log.
A>ConvertMovieToFile:NewMovieFromFile Error
A>Dialog : An error has occured during the process. [Error:-2048]
so it's error 2048. that would be awesome if you knew what was up. i went ahead and tried some more movies though and i can't seem to get anything to work, the only ones that don't spit an error back at me, have a problem with the sound being synced up with the video..
Aug 7, 2006, 9:44 PM
On the howardforums it says if you hit error 2048, 1073741571, or 2095 to install quicktime from apple and try again.
ok, i had quicktime on my computer, i don't know if what it was that messed it up, but when i uninstalled it and redownloaded it, it worked just fine, the sound is still a little off on some files but that could just be the codecs or whatever so i'm not to concerned, if there's a way to clean them up that someone know's i'd appreciate the help otherwise, thanx to all the people that helped and problem solved.
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