LG V VX-9800
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Weird Question
Hey all, I was just wondering something. With all of you that have Bluetooth headsets, do you still talk to people on the phone just using the phone as a regular candy bar style phone even though you have bought a Bluetooth headset? Also, when you use your speakerphone to talk to people, do they tell you that they can barely hear you or something to that effect? THis is what a lof of my friends and my parents have told me when i Use speakerphone and I don't really put the phone up to my ears a lot cause this is why I bought my bluetooth Motorola headset. I'm just wondering thats all.
Oct 2, 2006, 11:45 AM
I have a Bluetooth headset and I still use my phone the regular way from sometimes.
As far as the speakerphone goes, I don't have too many people saying they can't hear me. I do know however that if you are not in a quiet environment, the speakerphone or even the Bluetooth headsets won't work optimally because of the lack of noise cancellation. In a noisy environment they will pick up a lot, I mean a lot of background noise.
I don't know if that helps you at all but that's just my synopsis of it...
~ Slim ~
No i do appreciate your response. I mean so even though you have invested some of your money into a bluetooth headset, sometimes you'll still use your phone the normal way? And yeah, both my dad and my mom have complained that in my quiet dorm room they can hear me, but it is kind of distorted or muffled sounding. I like using speakerphone but i guess it's not meant for having long conversations w/ people on right? Like quick conversations and whatnot. I like using my bluetooth headset since it's all wireless but some people can't tell whether or not i'm talking to myself or am I acutally on the phone. lol.
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