Samsung SCH-A970
Reviews 39
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Questionable Reviews (Here I Go Again Monica)
We have been through this before with the 8100 and 815 - I have no doubt it will soon begin again with the 970 and soon-to-be-released 950 (actually, it HAS started again with the 970 - see Roachman's review on this phone).
I am not saying his review is not legit - perhaps it is - but he gave the phone a 2.5 rating barely saying anything. Yes, he did comment about the camera and briefly stated reception was not good - but he only had the phone for one day! I still say that while a camera is nice to have with the phone it should not be the over-riding factor on whether a phone is good or bad - afterall, (I would think) it was bought as a phone first and camera second. As far as the reception goes, we all know that reception fades in and o...
Ok...something I can agree on...Don't put a review into the "User Review" section unless you have had the phone and have tested it quite a bit. Now if he had just put his "review" in the forum I would understand that.
To the "Phone Sucks" dude. Do your homework, and stop copying the kids homework next to you in math class.
That's just like.. your opinion.. man.
Careful man, there's a beverage!
😁 Haha, I respect anyone who uses Big Lebowski quotes in everyday conversation.
Not trying to bash the 8100 but: 4 phones and worse after update. I love this phone but can't deal with the BT problems. BT worked great before update (but had to deal with occasional volume problems). Update cleared up volume problem but screwed up the Bluetooth. Cant win. My big mistake was the last phone I got didn't have the update and like an idiot, I updated. Nobody to blame but myself. Tried to get one w/o update, but no luck. 😡 😡
The think that kill the phone for me was the menu. I had the Samsung A800 and love the menu. Verizon did wronk by using the same UI for all of the phones they release.
Using the same software in all phones saves a fortune. Think, one software program vs maybe 1/2 dozen. Also saves on testing. 🙄 🙄
It's just the UI. And the cell phone manufacturers have their own that is made for the phone usually.
But think about how ugly that UI is. I can't believe that Verizon would let some designers give us 1/2 a dozen hideous identical examples of uglyness.
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