Sanyo VI-2300
Reviews 30
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Don't Ever Think of Dropping The SANYO VI-2300, not even on Carpet
I had been a loyal costumer of Cingular Wireless for many, many years, I had been using the same Motorola V60 phone almost as long. Anyhow, one day, after much convincing my wife talked me into switching over to Sprint. B I G M I S T A K E. I went into their store, signed on the dotted line & got the VI-2300 for fifty bucks or so and walked out with my new contract & 2300. No more than three minutes had passed, we were not even out of their parking lot, when the phone slipped out of my hand and hit the ground. Boink, the little glass piece busted in the handset, a section of the phone cracked & moreover, the volume in the ear-piece went in and out. Anyway I walked back in the Sprint store and spoke with the salesperson who helped me out...
nigeFeb 28, 2006, 3:01 PM
you shouldn't blame a carrier because you're a clutz. I've dropped my 2300 over a dozen times, sprayed water on it, left it in the snow (-16 c) overnight and all that's wrong with it is a line of dead pixels across the bottom of the inside display. This area is for reviewing phones, not a carrier's customer service policy.
you expected sprint to replace your phone because of your negligence? this is why i have a headache all day long. sprint is a business. NO, we will not give you a new phone just because you destroyed yours. put insurance on the phone if you are clumsy.
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