Sony Ericsson W600i / W550i
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can't move my music to phone
I've owned my w600i since cingular launched it back in oct. and I haven't been able to move my music over to the phone. Anyone else having problems?
Mar 23, 2006, 8:35 PM
What kind of problems are you having? Any error messages, what software are you using? Provide more details and let's see if someone can help.
Thanks... So frustrating.
I'm able to download the disc2phone software included with the phone, and when I try to drag and drop the song into the disc2phone(ripped from cd's) window I get a error. I can't remember the error.
Mar 25, 2006, 12:14 PM
What format did you rip the music too in the first place. I use iTunes and rip all my music to the AAC format. To get it on the phone, I had to re-encode it to MP3. I know the phone supports other formats, but I just used MP3. See what you error message is and post that.
You guys do know that AAC files can just be renamed .m4a and work fine on the phone without the need for re-encoding right?
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