Sony Ericsson Z520 / Z525
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Charging Problem - I think its the cord
I have had my phone for about 6 mos. w/no problems all of a sudden it wouldn't charge good so I ordered another battery. I think its the phone cord. You have to move it around and get it in a certain position and keep it there in order for it to charge. If it moves the charging stops. Has anyone else had this problem?
... mom had a charging problem with her phone..she went all the way to a cingular store and they told her that you have to push it in until it clicks and hers charges fine now.
omg my gosh i'm having the exact same problem right now and i have no idea why! i was assuming it was the charger, and i figured i was right because when i hook my phone up to my computer (via data link cable) the battery charging icon comes up. i am concerned because it's been chargin for like half an hour now and hasn't been past 87% charging. i don't know what's wrong but it's really bothering me.
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