HP iPAQ hw6510 / hw6515
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turning off unit??
Hi - i travel frequently and need to turn my unit off when flying. I cannot seem to turn off the unit (i can turn off wireless component) - can someone help??
press and hold the off botton for few seconds should do it..
I've tried that.....thought it worked until someone called me and the damn thing 'woke' up and rang.
Unfortunately as a PDA the only way to turn the device off is to either place it in Aircraft mode or to remove the battery then not power it back up.
DO NOT do the last suggestion!!!!!!!! The memory the OS is on is volatile! if the backup battery runs dead, you will lose all of the data on your phone. put the phone in aircraft mode and hit the power button... thats as close as you will get. The new WM5 devices do not use this method of storage so you will be able to turn those off.
What i did is... turn it off. take out the sim card and turn it back on. This way.... I can still use my pda and my phone is not on.
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