HTC 2125 / 2100 (Faraday)
Is Cingular right?
If you can get through Outlook, I will be 😁
camaronat said:
So, can you take your hotmail email and put it on your phone, and then put it on you computer?
I suppose you can download (POP3 access) the mail to your phone over the air and then activesync it to your computer, but that doesn't seem efficient. You would probably want to set your phone to download from the Hotmail POP3 server, but leave the messages on the server. You can then download them to you computer directly from the server. One tip: you should also set your computer mail client to leave the messages on the server, but delete them after a period of time. That way your phone can get all of your messages, but you don't keep piling up messages on the server.