HTC 2125 / 2100 (Faraday)
Reviews 40
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MediaNet vs. Smartphone Add-on
I am contemplating getting this phone and as far internet is concerned, would be using it mostly for checking my corporate email accounts and maybe occasional directions. Considering such expected usage, can someone please advise whether I should select MediaNet Unlimited or Smartphone Add-on as my internet option for the device, as they both appear to be identical (at least to me). Thank you.
They are identical. That said go with the Smartphone plan. As time goes on Cingular may choose to modify the capabilities of the plans, that said it would be advantageous to have the more advanced Smartphone plan versus a presumably more limited MEdia Net plan.
RIght now the media net is unlimited for 20 dollars and if you add a decient text message package you can hook it all up for 40 dollars. i got the 2125 and swtiching to this plan has saved me 300 dollars. the only thing that i don't have is the email feature but since i have sbc yahoo that is coved as well.
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