HTC 2125 / 2100 (Faraday)
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WiFi via miniSD card? ...via BT? ...other?
I know that this phone doesn't have built-in WiFi capabilities. I'm wondering if either of the following solutions may be possible.
Any thoughts???
1) Does there exist some kind of a BlueTooth to WiFi bridge device? I'm thinking of the BlueTooth GPS receivers which receive GPS signals and then relays them via BT to the phone. Does anyone make a BT-WiFi bridge node type of device?
2) I know that the miniSD card seems to be under the battery on this phone. Does anyone know, however, if a combo memory/WiFi miniSD device would work aside from the physical design limitation? (Wondering if a physical hardware hack would be worth a try with this phone.)
Feb 3, 2006, 6:52 PM
You could just wait and get a T-Mobile SDA phone (out in mid-February). Same phone, but with wi-fi. If you wanted Cingular, you could just unlock it (don't know where, but I'd imagine that it won't be that hard to figure out how if you really looked). OR you could buy a QTEK 8300 or QTEK 8310 or the imate SP5M, or any of the other phones that are based on the same architecture...they all have Wi-Fi.
You're saying that simply getting this phone unlocked will enable the WiFi??
Feb 8, 2006, 10:34 PM
NO. The Cingular version doesn't have a Wi-Fi radio. T-Mobile's version will.
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